An ambulance from Ono City, Fukui Prefecture was handed over to Govi-Altai Prefectural General Hospital
ceremony at Govi-Altai Prefectural General Hospital on November 12, 2021
The ceremony was held online on May 18, 2021 for the donation of a used ambulance to Mongolia from Ono City, Fukui Prefecture. The ambulance was handed over to the director of Govi-Altai General Hospital, Dr. Mendesaihan, by Harumafuji Kohei, who is in charge of donating ambulances for the Heart Saving Project, and his brother. In addition to this, Mr. Harumafuji Kohei donated a respirator to the hospital with his own fortune. This ambulance is in perfect condition with the same equipment as it was used in Japan, such as blood pressure monitor and AED, and the ER member of the hospital were very grateful.